12 year old Jamie & the William David shoot mascot "ratty" - Jamie has outstanding support from his mother in his ambitions.
Remember in "Billy Elliot" where dad pours scorne on young Billy for wanting to "do ballet" but then goe's on to support him totally to Billy's ultimate success?
Life is not always like that! Some young performers find it near impossible to be taken seriously by family and friends.
And yet many really are talented.
With young performers parents/guardians are a vital link in them moving forward. Just getting them to castings can be a major expense in both time and money.
When they hit 16 it is more difficult - with shoots for example if it were not for the lift many would prefer no parent there at all.
However general guidance in child protection advise's photographers [to keep it simpler let's refer to the halfling project] to insist on parental consent and attendance. It is as much a protection for the photographer as it is the young person.
However follow it to it's natural conclusion the photographer should have an independent witness too and before you know it you have a crowd.
So commonsense must prevail.